Are these times turbulent, or what?!?! The intensity of this time is tremendous.

I believe the overall focus is on POWER, and I believe we are:

  • losing the illusion,

  • honoring deep transformations,

  • experiencing reality checks,

  • realigning our deepest values,

  • releasing toxicity,

  • and seeing what’s really worth fighting for.

3 Tips for Navigating thIS MONTH

  1. Pray, don’t pity.

    When times feel uncertain, and we see the world in a state of chaos, remember that prayers are powerful. There are a lot of people who need powerful prayers right now.

    Pity doesn’t help people, but prayers do.

    I’m reminded of the Maharishi effect, which proved that a small group of meditators could have a profound impact on reducing crime and improving quality of life for a specific geographical location. The effect has been shown effective through many replicated studies, with results like these:

    “Over the 2 years, on those 93 days when the groups were meditating daily:

    When you hear of global tragedy or see a disheartening story on the news, for example, please resist the urge to share it with friends and try not to let negative emotions gain momentum. Fear and worry are low-frequency emotions that don’t produce positive outcomes. Instead, pray that the strength, love, and support that people need is in abundance and that anything negative be miraculously converted into love.

    If we knew the power of our collective prayers, we would never cease praying for the good of our world. Pray or meditate in a positive way to keep your personal vibration high and to have the greatest beneficial impact on others.

  2. Be aware, don’t be consumed.

    What you eat affects how you feel. What you drink affects how you feel. What you think affects how you feel. What you watch affects how you feel. What you listen to affects how you feel. What you feel affects how you feel. It’s easy to be consumed by things, so it’s excellent self-care to have healthy boundaries with unhealthy things (food, social media, people, emotions, etc.).

  3. Bend, don’t break.

    Soften a little. Give a little. Go with the flow when you can. Rigidity can amplify tensions. Be curious and open-minded to other perspectives to gain a broader perspective of the truth. Much can be learned during times like these.


Franklin D. Roosevelt




Frankincense, Boswellia carteri

A deeply spiritual aromatic that has been used since ancient times. It can be a wonderful ally for helping to transform complex emotions and for tuning-in to the spiritual side of life. This resin is powerful in prayer, meditation, and self-soothing.

LISTEN when times feel tough

You Can’t Rush Your Healing | Trevor Hall


Mama, well, she told me time is such a wonderful gift
You're not running out
You're really running in
Confusion clouds the heart, but it also points the way
Quiet down the mind, the more the song will play

So, you can't rush your healing
Darkness has its teachings
Love is never leaving
You can't rush your healing

WATCH When working through personal Shadows

Facing Your Demons | Dr. Gabor Mate

“That’s why the most important work we have to do is on ourselves and that’s why it has to be ongoing.” - Dr. Gabor Mate


1. What am I ready to transform?

2. Is there anything toxic that I can release? Including: people? places? feelings? relationships? foods? drinks? beliefs? habits?

3. Where am I avoiding depth in my relationships?

4. What am I truly thankful for because it’s real and authentic?

5. Am I in touch with my own personal power? Do I feel like a victim in any way?

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and may you find new reasons each day to be grateful!

MORE QUOTES FROM  the Maharishi effect

“when 1% of a community practiced the Transcendental Meditation (TM®) program, the crime rate was reduced by 16% on average.”

“Taking into account the “1%” finding, it was predicted that a group with size equal to the square root of 1% of a population would have a measurable influence on the quality of life of that population. For example, a group of 200 practicing the TM-Sidhi program together in a city of four million (100 x 200 x 200) would be sufficient to produce a measurable influence on the whole city; a group of 1,600 in the U.S. would influence 256 million (100 x 1600 x 1600) people, the whole population of the U.S.; and a group of 7,000 would influence 4.9 billion (100 x 7000 x 7000) people, the population of the world at that time.”

from Maharishi International University

Jacquelyn Benjamin

Jacquelyn Benjamin, Holistic Wellness Consultant

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Clinical Aromatherapist, Holistic Nutritionist, Body + Emotion Code Certified

