Summer Starts

Happy Summer Solstice!

{officially 6/21/2022 @ 5:13am EST}

Solstice means sun standing still.

Today marks the first day of summer and the longest day of the year.

With more abundant sunshine, this can be the time of year when we can really lighten up. Here are a few tips:

7 Easy Ways To Lighten UP + Improve Your Mood

  1.  Declutter. Clean-up your space to clear your mind and mood.

  2. Go outside. Enjoy natural light, sunshine, fresh air.

  3. Eat real food. Fresh food is in season, and processed foods carry a different vibration than foods that are natural, whole, and fresh.

  4. Water up. Dehydration can leave you feeling cranky.

  5. Laugh a lot. It’s the best medicine for everything. Laugh hard enough, and it can count as an ab work-out.

  6. Connect. Send a message, make a call, or reach out to a friend or family member.

  7. Be grateful. Gratitude is a super-power. Tuning into the good things is a fast way to feel great.

A Summer Blend

I’m sharing one of my favorite essential oil blends to usher in summer. I love the simplicity and the aroma of this combination.


  • 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil (Citrus paradisi) to uplift the body, mind, spirit

  • 1 drop of Ylang ylang essential oil (Cananga odorata) to help open the heart

  • 1 drop of Hawaiian Sandalwood oil (Santalum paniculatum) to help ground into the present moment

Enjoy deep relaxing breaths while you diffuse for 15 minute intervals.

I hope you’re doing well, staying cool, and making the most of these longer, brighter days.

If I can be of any help to you, here is a list of my current services.

Sending summer love!

Keep current by following me on Instagram: @weavingalchemy

Jacquelyn Benjamin

Jacquelyn Benjamin, Holistic Wellness Consultant

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Clinical Aromatherapist, Holistic Nutritionist, Body + Emotion Code Certified



A Whole Life