2021 Lunar Planning Guide

Accomplishment in Harmony with Nature

Women move through cycles.

We dream, create, rest, then repeat.

Weaving Alchemy’s 2021 Lunar Calendar:  Accomplishment in Harmony with Nature

Weaving Alchemy’s 2021 Lunar Calendar: Accomplishment in Harmony with Nature


Did you know the new moon can mark a release of the old, and a fresh new opportunity for creation?

With renewed and rising energy, while the moon is waxing, our diligent efforts are supported and progress can be made. This potent energy peaks when the moon is full, and slowly wanes until the moon fades into darkness once again.

Then, the cycle repeats.



Set goals with the lunar cycle.

This gorgeous 11 page self-guided workbook can be used each month for reconnecting to your goals, manifesting your dreams, and tracking the energy of the current lunar cycle.

Energize your goals through playful daily activities during the most potent time of the month: the time between the new moon and the full moon.

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The contents:

Working with the Lunar Phases: the meanings of the moon’s phases

Lunar Calendar: identify the moon’s phase for the entire year of 2021

Moon Tracking Template: print one for each month

Moon Tracking Example for March: including Moon signs to help bring awareness to knowing how the lunar cycle affects you

Worksheets for reconnecting to your goals

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The Worksheets:

Defining Details (not shown): Clearly identify goals, action steps, and progress

Moon Dreams: 15 activities to connect you more intimately with your goal when working with the lunar cycle

Deserving and Dedicated: Playful and simple daily actions that keep you connected to your plan

Her potential swells with the light of the moon, and once she is full,

she falls quietly back into a space of retreat where she can dream anew.

— Jacquelyn Benjamin

Order your 2021 Lunar Calendar: $22

Complete the form below, you will receive a PayPal invoice for $22, and once payment is received, the pdf will be sent via email.